This charm can be purchased plain like the picture above, or you can have it customed made for specific protection. Ex; the pictures above one is protecting love {pink}, while the other is protecting a person, {name/multi colored} .These can be used on a keychain, in your car, on your windows, purse, above door, and more creative places to promote safety in all aspects of life spiritually.
Protect money : GREEN and white
Protect FAMILY : Blue and white
Protect Love :Pink and white
Protect mind: White on WHITE
Protect home : Red an white
Protect Health: Purple and Gold
Protect { persons }Name: MULTI COLORS
Protect when Traveling: Black and Red
Protect from violence: Green AND yellow or multi colored
- This does not mean that it will stop a bullet from hitting you physically.
- this does not mean it will stop your bad health
- this does not mean it will increase your money the minute you grab hold of this item.
- please be advised this is for spiritual reasons and with good faith promotes a higher vibration for you to acquire what you need as a collective. ASHE' Thank you HCQ